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The Welsh Honey Show
Rules are Here
Presented by the HONEY Convention
the Young Harris Institute
The HONEY Convention and Jay Heselschwerdt
has a huge trophy for the winner
of the Welsh/Heselschwerdt Honey Champion Cup.
It will be a year-long competition
(pictures of a one of a kind trophy).
Download Rules Here
There are three levels in the program:
A) Welsh Honey Judge Candidate
B) Welsh Honey Judge
C) Senior Welsh Honey Judge.
The HONEY Convention will be offering the first of the three levels this year. If you would like to become a "Welsh Honey Judge Candidate" you can sign up below or on the tickets page.
The Welsh Honey Judge faculty from the Young Harris-UGA Beekeeping Institute will be putting on the Introductory Training for the initial level of the Welsh Honey Judge Training & Certification Program. This will be an all-day workshop offered on Saturday, March 21st at the HONEY Convention in Knoxville, TN. Completion of this workshop will count as a Level I certification, and will be recognized in, and transferable to, any of the WHJ/HJ programs in GA, FL, AL, SC, or TN. Cost for the program is $50 in addition to regular conference registration.
Welsh Judge
initial level
Ticket sales have been Cancelled
Full access to the
Welsh Honey Judge Training and Certification Program.
You do not need a Paypal account. Just your Credit Card.
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