Honey Show
The First EVER!
The Welsh/Heselschwerdt Honey Champion Cup.
It will be a year-long competition
(pictures of a one of a kind trophy).
Download Rules Here
The HONEY Convention and Jay Heselschwerdt
has a huge trophy for the winner!
<--- Download the rules here --->
Honey Cup
(Revised 01/08/2020)
The Welsh/Heselschwerdt Honey Cup Championship (WHHCC) is an annual sweepstakes style competition sponsored and hosted by the HONEY Convention in Knoxville, Tennessee. This competition is open to ALL beekeepers, subject to the rules and any specific limitations of the competition. The exhibitor who accumulates the highest over-all, cumulative point total for each division during the competition period will be declared this year’s Champion of that division. The exhibitor who accumulates the highest over-all, cumulative point total across all divisions during the competition period will be declared this year’s Grand Champion.
The following awards shall be made pursuant to the rules of the contest:
Honey Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes falling under the classification of extracted honey.
Comb Honey Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes falling under the classification of comb honey.
Beeswax Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes falling under the classification of beeswax and candles.
Artisan Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes falling under the classification of arts and crafts.
Food & Beverage Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes falling under the classification of food & beverages.
Grand Champion – Awarded to the exhibitor with the highest annual point total from all classes.
Artisan Classes – Any of the various exhibition classes commonly found in Welsh Honey Shows including (but not necessarily limited to): arts; crafts; poetry; notions, potions & lotions; household products; health and beauty products; photography; gadgets; and/or similar
Auditor – Any person appointed to verify, tally, and certify the entries in the WHHCC.
Beeswax Classes – Any of the various exhibition classes commonly found in Welsh Honey Shows including (but not necessarily limited to): beeswax blocks; beeswax bars; beeswax flowers; beeswax sculptures; beeswax carvings; and/or any beeswax candle classes.
Comb Honey Classes – Any of the various exhibition classes commonly found in Welsh Honey Shows including (but not necessarily limited to): chunk; section; cut comb; and/or full frame classes.
Cup Committee – The committee responsible for organizing and putting on the WHHCC event at the HONEY Convention. The committee selects and recruits all the officials and personnel necessary to carry out the WHHCC.
Exhibitor – Any person competing in the WHHCC.
Extracted Honey Classes – Any of the various exhibition classes commonly found in Welsh Honey Shows including (but not necessarily limited to): extracted or liquid honey of the light, medium, amber, or dark classifications; creamed honeys; varietal honeys; novice; and/or commercial classes.
Food & Beverage Classes – Any of the various exhibition classes commonly found in Welsh Honey Shows including (but not necessarily limited to): meads; beers; beverages; cookery; baked goods; cakes; confections; condiments; and/or similar classes.
HONEY Convention and Jay Heselschwerdt – The sponsoring organization of the WHHCC.
Prize Card – A card awarded to an Exhibitor pursuant to submitting a winning entry in an Approved Honey Show.
Prize Point – One or more points awarded to a Prize or Service card pursuant to the rules and specifications of the WHHCC.
Service Card – A card awarded to a Senior Welsh Honey Judge, Welsh Honey Judge, Judge’s Steward, or Honey Show Secretary pursuant to such service in an Approved Honey Show.
1. The competition is open to any beekeeper who wishes to enter, except as otherwise specifically provided for herein.
2. Entries must be received between 9:00 AM/PM and 11:00 AM on March 20, 2020, at the HONEY Convention in Knoxville, TN. No entries will be accepted after this deadline. Entries may be submitted in person; or, by third party hand delivery, provided the entry is submitted with the fully completed Entry Form signed by the Exhibitor.
3. The competition period begins annually at 12:00 AM on the opening day of the HONEY Convention and concludes at 11:59 PM on the evening prior to the opening day of the following year’s HONEY Convention. The points earned in any given year’s HONEY Convention Honey Show will count toward the point tallies submitted for the following year’s Welsh/Heselschwerdt Honey Cup Championship.
4. An entry consists of the following:
a. The exhibitor’s completed Entry Form, including a signed affidavit stating the point cards (or copies thereof) submitted by the exhibitor were earned by, and awarded to, that exhibitor pursuant to bona fide awards made at approved honey shows as specified in these rules. The affidavit shall further state ALL honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly exhibited, or made part of any exhibit for which any submitted point cards were awarded, was produced by the Exhibitor from honeybees owned and kept by the Exhibitor; and
b. A notebook or binder containing all point cards (or copies thereof) offered by the Exhibitor from any approved honey shows specified in these rules.
5. Prize Cards certified and signed off on by any of the following individuals, earned exclusively during the competition period, may be counted toward the Exhibitor’s point total, subject to any other specific prize card requirements set forth herein:
a. any certified Welsh Honey Judge; or
b. any certified Senior Welsh Honey Judge.
6. Point cards may be either of the following:
a. Bona fide prize cards won pursuant to exhibition in any of the honey shows approved in these rules; or
b. Bona fide service cards earned pursuant to service at any of the approved honey shows.
7. Prize cards are subject to the following requirements and limitations:
a. The prize card must clearly state the name of the honey show, the date of the honey show, the class in which the prize card was awarded, the prize awarded, and the signature of the Welsh Honey Judge or Senior Welsh Honey Judge making the award;
b. Prize cards shall have the following point values:
- First Place/Blue cards shall be awarded six (6) points.
- Second Place/Red cards shall be awarded five (5) points.
- Third Place/White cards shall be awarded four (4) points.
- Fourth Place/Very Highly Commendable cards shall be awarded three (3) points
- Fifth Place/Highly Commendable cards shall be awarded two (2) points
- Sixth Place/Commendable cards shall be awarded one (1) point
- Best in Show cards shall be awarded six (6) points
c. Points may only be awarded and counted once for each card submitted.
8. Service cards are subject to the following requirements and limitations:
a. The service card must come from a Welsh-style honey show;
b. The service card must clearly state the name of the honey show, the date of the honey show, the capacity in which the Exhibitor served, and the signature of the presiding Welsh Honey Judge or Show Secretary of that honey show;
c. Service cards shall be awarded six (6) points; and
d. Points may only be awarded and counted once for each card submitted.
e. Service cards may account for a maximum of ten percent (10%) of an Exhibitor’s tallied points. Points for service cards beyond the ten percent (10%) limit will be discarded.
9. The final decision in regard to any question or issue pertaining to whether or not any individual prize or service card(s) does, or does not, qualify to be counted, or how an individual prize card is to be classified, shall be made by a certified Senior Welsh Honey Judge, duly appointed by the Competition Committee to decide such issues.