Special Sale
We want to personally thank all our vendors for their support.
March 20th and 21st, 2020 event has been CANCELLED.
Below is a list of special offers!
Due to cancellation of the HONEY Convention, Strong Microbials Inc would like to extend to you discounted prices for SuperDFM-HoneyBee probiotic:
10 applications - $18.99 $15.19
50 applications - $59.99 $47.99
100 applications - $99.99 $79.99
1000 applications - $499.99 $399.99
2000 applications - $989.99 $791.99
5000 applications - $2489.99 $1991.20
SuperDFM-HoneyBee is the original and most effective honeybee probiotic. See the difference in your hives this spring! Recommended application every 30 days.
Use coupon code HONEY when ordering at StrongMicrobials.com
Contact Strong Microbials at 1-844-MY-MICRO or info@strongmicrobials.com if you want to get pricing on other items or want to place an order.
*coupon expires April 15, 2020